Creating Templates

Templates are great for websites that have two or more pages that need the same droplets or sections on them. Typically they contain things like a navigation and footer.


Creating a template is the same process as creating a page. See below for steps:

  1. Click the "Create Page or Template" button.

Create template step 1

  1. Click on "Template"

Create template step 2

  1. Finally, name your template

Create template step 3

From here you should be taken to a blank template where you can start creating your reusable content.

Using the Template

There are two ways to use a template.

  1. When you first create a page, you have the option to select a template to start from:

Selecting a template

  1. If you create a template after a page has already been created, you can open the page settings modal and select to use it from there:

Selecting a template after

You may need to rearrange the template items after they get injected into the page.